Maisie King was born in the bush and grew up near Oodnadatta, living a traditional Anangu existence with her mother, father and siblings. They would travel on long journeys on foot, covering vast distances of Yankunytjatjara country from Mimili to Finke.
Maisie did not encounter non-Indigenous people until she was a young girl. Maisie would eventually work in household duties for cattle stations, which is how she met Peter Mungkuri, the Aboriginal stockman who would become her husband.
Together Peter Mungkuri and Maisie King moved to the newly established community of Indulkana. They first lived beside the Iwantja Creek in a small wiltja (handmade shelter) and were active in the community’s development as they raised their young family in Indulkana.
Maisie King has had a long career as a painter at Iwantja Arts and is a highly regarded senior woman in the Indulkana community.